What Career Is Best for You? Take A Career Assessment to Help You Figure it Out Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
This assessment is one of the most popular assessments on the market as it reveals one's personality type which identifies criteria for career satisfaction and providing possible career options. It is available through Career Services.
Strong Interest Inventory
This identifies your patterns across a range of occupations and identifies some occupational titles that may satisfy your interests.
Holland Self Directed Search
Taking the Self-Directed Search will determine your 3-letter Holland code to help you find the careers that best match your interests and abilities. Cost is $4.95.
The Career Key
An online assessment with supporting enrichment modules to
help you make sound career decisions.
Career Leader
Find out what the best business career is for you. Career
Leader analyzes your relevant business interests, values and
abilities and provides you with a personalized report of your
profile, and makes recommendations of specific business career
paths for you to investigate.